Easier Dieting
Easier Dieting
Help for the struggling...

You Are Not Alone!

Do you struggle to lose weight? You are not alone!

Do you feel you have no-will power to lose weight? You are not alone!

Do you manage to lose some weight, but then put it all back on again plus a little bit more? You are not alone!

Have you been criticised when "Eat Less, Move More" calorie-restriction failed? Again, you are not alone!

For decades, we have been told that "Eat Less, Move More" is the correct way to manage weight, and that if it doesn't work for you then YOU are the one at fault.


There are actually sound medical reasons why "Eat Less, Move More" is not a viable long-term weight-loss strategy for the majority of people.

I was a fellow sufferer. Although highly motivated by health issues, over a six month period I was unable to lose even one pound with typical calorie-restriction. A healthcare professional suggested my willpower was in question, when in fact there were two specific medical issues why I couldn't be successful.

However, I found information online which enabled me, via a strict Low Carbohydrate (Ketogenic) diet, to lose three stone (19kg) in just seven months, significantly reduce my Cardiovascular risk and reverse/put into remission Prediabetes, all without feeling starved or deprived!

I would like to share some of what I have learnt, and some sources of free helpful online information, to encourage others and give them the same opportunity I had.

I hope that you will feel better about yourself and more hopeful after reading Why is Dieting so HARD?

REMEMBER – Always check with your doctor or healthcare professional before embarking on a new diet.

The information offered on this website is not intended to be medical advice and shouldn't be taken to be.